Thursday, August 19, 2010

In Which He Finishes Work Early and Gets a Feeling of Both Joy and Dread.

confusionMonday, August 16

Jesus arrived late as he always manages to do even when he happens to leave home early. Sent the customary message and checked his Facebook. Some vices die hard, some don’t die at all. 

He set out to work, giving the occasional chuckle and “uh-hu” to co-worker’s redundant conversation. And since he had very little work orders pending he finished early. It was 9:30 in the morning and his desk was clear of work, he told co-worker that he was finished and set the finished work on the edge of his desk. He decided to be orderly for once and threw away things he didn’t need and put everything in neat order, and then just sat there.  

At around noon co-worker asked about the finished work, which he had been told that it was already finished and had a fit which was resolved by Jesus saying he’d start setting the finished work at HIS desk instead of the place he had been doing for the past year.

Nothing to do he set to take lunch and log in. During the conversation at lunch while trying to cheer her up a bit he triggered a response he didn’t intent, he said “surely there must be something no matter how small that’s good in your life” to which she answered a very unexpected “well, there is your formula”, and this triggered on itself a train of conversation that revealed some of her fears, which he could only meet with understanding. The conversation also rang with doubt but with acceptance at the same time which pretty much set him in a place of uncertainty, or rather left him in the same uncertain yet different spot. She felt she needed to deal with some issues before moving on to something new. Jesus understood 

“If you don’t mind I’ll just sit here and wait,” he tapped on the little screen. “Unless you decide to send security to escort me away with a ‘sorry young man you can’t loiter here’”, she laughed, she didn’t mind, he smiled.

And just like that lunch was over, with her saying she’d hope to have a better response soon, he was in no hurry. He logged of and despite having a filling meal felt an empty sensation in the pit of his stomach. And before handing in the devices he messaged her telling her that despite current circumstances, the fact that he loved her was irrefutable.

The remaining couple of hours he worked uneasily, playing moody songs on the computer, and telling himself that he was worrying for nothing. This turned out to be true. he always seems to have a knack for jumping to the wrong conclusions, and his mind just loves playing out all the worse scenarios in his head... his personal horror movies.

The afternoon was school, sufficiently uneventful and relatively happy.  :)


-Schrödinger's cat~


  1. it gives me a certain feeling of happiness to see you writting like this :3

  2. its not all walks and rainbows.... it has its downs.. but it does serve a therapeutic purpose.

    i'm at least able to sleep more than 3 hours at night from just the out pour of things.

    tho' it has also ruffled sentiments. you cant win'em all =/
