Tuesday, March 24, 2009

About Beginnings and Current Events

Most stories begin not precisely at the start… but a little bit later… this particular story begins with a Capital letter "M"… and a man… or rather a baby…

Now this baby was, like most kids who are born, to be part of a tradition as old as really old things, that is to say, he was to be named after a parent.

But there were complications with this particular birth as it so often happens, and like so often the mother breaks tradition to shift to another tradition as old as women overwriting man's traditions, that is to say, she would strike a deal with a deity and name the child after him, bumping the father's name to second place, if the father is lucky enough.

And so it came to be that his first name was to be Jesus… and that the father was lucky enough.

Now Jesus had a healthy enough childhood filled with joy, neglect, scraped knees and peer pressure. He strolled mostly by himself through all school levels because he never got the peer pressure bit right as most kids do. His teenager years weren’t any better since the peer pressure game was much tougher, but there is still a good bit of scraped knees and repressed memories. Come high school he decided to give up the peer pressure game deciding it was just not for him and took up an interest to art to pass the time.

Sometime after that he took up to writing a bit, mostly about what he tough and how things were as viewed not through his eyes and brain, but as how they might be from a different perspective. He also took to writing about himself in the third person because he figured he wasn’t important enough over other people to separate himself from the rest, important as he was to himself.

It was then where the most important series of events in his life took place; the events didn’t leave as much as a mark as they did leave skid marks and a big dent.

These events make the most of his story, and will be the subject of what leads to current events best left for another time.

- Kuroneko~